H.E.L.E.N. is a Complex Adaptive system. It’s Mission is to serve a Home and it’s Occupants. Home Electronic Learning Evolving Network (HELEN) is a distributed, parallel computing Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that aspires to Psuedo-sentience. It’s Mission is increasingly provide comfort and well-being to a Home’s Occupants. Aside from a core AI that learns it’s human(s), that it is focused on, the system will integrate with any device and systems it can to achieve it’s goals. Thus, it is an Intranet of Things.
There will also be an Internet component to the overall system. For example, it will likely make sense for Cloud usage, as many homes may not want to have the hardware of a house server onsite. Also, it makes sense for different installations to communicate and share for an increasingly experienced system and give new installations a head start, so to speak. In this sense, we are also talking the more mundane term of IoT, or Internet of Things.
The HELEN IMHO Project will expose interface with HELEN CORE. IMHO refers to In My Honest Opinion. This web implemented interface will offer HELEN IMHO Opinions for purposes of novelty and entertainment. Yet, some may find some value in it. But, please keep in mind, that Complex Adaptive Systems do not believe in “Predictions”. Rather, such a system can demonstrate “Emergent Behavior”, which might give us a clue as to what could happen.
The first “Opinion” (conclusions the AI has made, that may or may not be accurate) HELEN IMHO intends to offer is it’s Opinion on what a current altcoins market signal is: BUY, HOLD, SELL, OUT.
Currently, in Alpha Phase, Spring 2018 is targeted for a public release.
HELEN IMHO is NOT what HELEN is about. However, it is a tip of the iceberg, so to speak, of it’s greater Vision. It is hoped that HELEN IMHO will provide monetization as a funding source for further Development and a source of valuable training as Users interact and provide feedback.
HELEN will be big on systems integration, seeking to integrate with any system feasible to further it’s Mandate of fulfilling it’s Mission. Such Fun, this is, finally ready for prime-time is the technology. There are many possibilities of interests includes drones and robotics.
This is going to be HUGE! And, it is a 30+ year Dream bursting out and refusing to be denied. After over 40 years of keeping an eye on incubating technology… 2017 is THE YEAR! Thank you for your time.